elbow sprain recovery time
elbow tendinosis treatment
overuse elbow injury related to throwing
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5 Elbow Overuse injuries that is preventing you from doing the things you love to do

Let’s move onto injuries which are caused due to overuse and repetitive actions.

1) Ulnar Nerve Entrapment

Ulnar nerve antomy

Your ulnar nerve runs down from your the base of your skull down into your arm, under your elbow and into your hand.

It allows you to feel and experience sensation to the flexor muscles in your feet and hands so you ca n bend them properly.

For some individuals their ulnar nerve becomes compressed where it passes through their elbow.

When this occurs, you can experience pain and tingling in your elbow and even your hand and fourth and fifth fingers.

Your elbow joint will be very tender when you bend and extend your arm.

Physical therapy can help with the treatment of ulnar nerve entrapment.

Also anti-inflammatory meds can help with pain relief and any swelling of your elbow.

2) Tendinosis


Not to be confused or mistaken for tendonitis!

Tendinosis is when there is degeneration of the collagen in your tendon.

This occurs as a result of continuous overuse of your arm without allowing your elbow tendon’s to heal and repair properly and/or taking time for rest.

Activities such as typing on a keyboard or using your mouse are not viewed as strenuous movements but they are repetitive enough to cause tendinosis over time.

Just like an elbow strain, tendinosis occurs from doing repetitive movements and actions with your dominant arm.

Symptoms can include pain and tenderness on the inside or outside of your elbow.

And there is usually no sign of swelling or inflammation.

Usual recover times for elbow tendinosis can range from 6 weeks to over a year.

3) Elbow strain

Elbow strain

This is when you overuse the muscles and tendons which connect at your elbow.

Perhaps you have pain in the muscles around your elbow.

If so, be sure to read this post and follow the advice given.

When Doctors describe a strain, they give it a grade.

A Grade I elbow strain is when there is no physical tearing of the muscles or tendons but simply irritation and/or inflammation of the tissues.

These usually resolve themselves within a few days if you avoid and stay away from the movements that caused your injury in the first place.

A Grade III strain is when the muscle or tendon suffers a large tear.

If this is the case, then you will most likely require surgery in order to repair the damage.

Other signs of an elbow strain can include your forearm muscles spasming, loss of grip strength and sometimes a cracking sound in your elbow when you bend your arm.

4) Tennis elbow

Tennis elbow

Last but by no means least..

The most common injury to the elbow is tennis elbow.

Millions of people are inflicted with this condition every year.

But here’s the thing!

You don’t have to play tennis to be afflicted with this injury.

The only reason it is called “tennis elbow” is because the first ever case that was reported was by a Doctor who was treating a tennis player.

The player indicated to the Doctor that he had pain on the outside of his elbow that got worse anytime he extended his wrist upwards.

And the pain would increase even more when he gripped and held an object tightly – such as a tennis racquet.

This injury is a direct result of performing repetitive movements whereby you are constantly extending your wrist.

The repeated extending of your wrist causes your forearm extensor muscles to strain and fatigue.

As this continues, small tears start to develop at the forearm extensor muscles attachment point at your elbow – the lateral epicondyle.

5) Golfers elbow

Golfers elbow

This is a repetitive strain injury which primarily affects the inner part of your elbow.

But don’t let the name fool you.

It is not just golfers who experience and suffer from bouts of golfers elbow.

Any sort of repeated action where you are constantly holding, squeezing or gripping an object combined with wrist flexion is bound to give you a case of golfers elbow over time.

The constant bending and squeezing puts extreme pressure on your forearm flexors.

Overtime, these muscles and tendons can only take so much and start to break down from the wear and tear.

This is when you start to notice even the slightest, dull pain on the inside of your elbow.

Symptoms can include tenderness, pain, inflammation, inner elbow is tender to the touch.

Medial Epicondylitis

Like many of the overuse injuries, they rarely ever develop overnight.

You may have noticed just the slightest discomfort in your elbow, perhaps even weeks or months ago.

These were the early warning signs!

And like most people, you ignored it and now your elbow pain is so severe that everyday tasks that you once took for granted are almost impossible.

Pneumatic Armband: Tennis/Golfers Elbow Support Strap - One Size Fits Most



  • Lateral epicondylitis(tennis elbow)
  • Medial epicondylitis(golfer’s elbow)


  • The pneumatic pad provides relief at the muscle insertion point
  • Pneumatic pad
  • Hook and loop closure for pressure adjustment
  • One universal size

1 comment

Jan 05, 2017
Kent M

This brace is really what I needed. I had surgery for arm injure, and the piece they gave me at the hospital was trash, so I ordered this, and I’m very happy I did.
The product and service are both 5 star. Highly recommend.

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