
Treatment options [7 of 9]
  • knee bracing
July 25, 2016

Treatment options [7 of 9]

There are several treatment options, depending on the severity of your condition, but the most...
Talk with your doctor [6 of 9]
  • keen pain
July 24, 2016

Talk with your doctor [6 of 9]

The first and most important step is to discuss with your doctor your lifestyle and...
What are my options? [5 of 9]
  • keen pain
July 22, 2016

What are my options? [5 of 9]

Although no cure exists for osteoarthritis (OA), several options are available to alleviate the pain...
Can you take up running after a meniscectomy?
  • Exercise Physiology
July 5, 2016

Can you take up running after a meniscectomy?

4 Answers Spencer Chan:   It seems that there are a good number of people who...
How The OA Knee Brace Booster Works
  • knee injury
July 2, 2016

How The OA Knee Brace Booster Works

 Osteoarthritis alters the natural characteristics of the knee joint. This generally occurs as part of...
How to Ski With a Torn Meniscus
Ski With a Torn Meniscus
  • a torn meniscus
March 10, 2016

How to Ski With a Torn Meniscus

According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, meniscus tears are among the most common...